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Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to test the Internet Speed in Ubuntu Or Kali Linux

Hai Guys,

Welcome to Technical Server. In this tutorial we are going to discuss how to measure the internet speed of our network connection ,which includes downloading speed,uploading speed etc...

Before everything, We must install some packages which help us to measure the internet speed. That packages are :
  • python3-pip
  • speedtest-cli
For installing them open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type down the following code:

First we must install pip3. Pip3 is an official package installer for the softwares and applications which are made using python language.

To install pip :

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Next we must install our main software speedtest.cli by using pip. For that type :

sudo pip3 install speedtest-cli

Yes. We have successfully installed our package. Now we can check our internet speed in our Operating system by typing the command:


Now we have received all the information related to our data speed. Now an extra option is also available for this software. That is we can convert all these messed data into an image and we can  share it to others as images. So next we are going to see how it can be done.

For that type:

speedtest-cli --share

Then we will receive a link from the generated output. Copy the URL and paste it on a browser and press Enter. { eg: }

Here comes our required image with all essential matters about our network connection and it's speed.

We have also noticed that the internet speed is too low on Kali Linux and other linux distros.To fix that problem and to increase internet speed in kali linux, click here

I believe that this post is somehow helpful for  you all. Comment your reactions about us in the comment box below. Thanks for reading.

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